My name
is Ropafadzo A. Banhwa aged 24 years
and currently weighing 87kg. My journey
started in August 2013 when my weight had peaked up to 130kgs or more. I was having issues with people telling me to
reduce my weight. My answer was always “I am big boned”, “its genetics”, “all my
family members are big”. It just
dawned to me one day when everything changed and I realized that there is more
to life than food. Well, I have always
been big, but I think what worsened it was the fact that I was a stress eater
and am still am. The difference is that now I stress eat on healthy food.
Well it’s
easy to lose weight. All you need is
determination. I started at 130 kgs and
all I could do was healthy eating, reduced starch portions, increased vegetable
content and water intake. In 2 weeks I
had dropped to around 120kgs. I started
exercising continuing with a non-starch diet.
By December 2013, I had dropped to 97kgs. I then started to exercise more but obviously
in life you do get ups and downs. My weight plateaued at some point and started
dropping again. Now I am 87kgs.
eat all vegetables, fruits, lean meat, white meat and plenty of water. A point to note when you are on a weight loss
journey, is to know your blood group. I
got to know mine and realized some food stuffs are not healthy for me. I burn at least 1 500 calories a day and
consume an average of 2 000 calories. I
love running and I can go for 25 km non-stop.
My goal is to be 70 – 75kgs by February next year and all I nee rd is
determination. I have lost from 50 years
of age to 24 years of age or less!! All
you need to do is GO!! Don’t wait for TOMORROW because if you wait for
tomorrow, tomorrow will never come.
Ropa now graces our facebook magazine page, giving expert advice on health and weight loss.
in her own words......
" I
am an Active and dynamic 24 aged young lady. Decisive and haste.
Attractive and affectionate to oneself. Strong mentality. Loves
attention especially when it comes to weight loss. Diplomatic.
Consoling, friendly and solves people's problems. Brave and fearless.
Adventurous. Loving and caring. Suave and generous. Emotional, Stubborn
and Hasty at times. Definitely have a Good memory. I really enjoy
Moving, motivating oneself and others. I Love to travel and explore."
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