
Thursday, 23 October 2014

Maggoty trend of primary scholars snorting Jolly jus/ mudhoko

Jolly jus hit the scene as a substitute to the diluted drink we all knew as the perfect company for the lunch box. they were cheaper and some might say handy as they come in a small packet which in turn makes loads of juice to slurp on. However recent turn of events would be any parent's nightmare. Zimbabwean children are snorting this powder just for the kicks of it!! they call it ganja or mudhoko.Some admitted to using sherbet powder.

Zim mums Magazine spoke to 40 kids from different schools around Harare who all confirmed this trend.
    • The boy who started with the confessions told me he used to do it almost everyday but now he has stopped coz it made him sick. he said people clap and cheer for you and that feels good but the snorting hurts.KEVIN GRADE 7- Waterfalls , harare
    • a girl said she did it just to prove that girls can do it too . she's the one who teaches the girls at her school to snort . CHIDO GRADE7-PARKTOWN
    • TINO a grade 4 at a school in Chitungwiza snorts it using the barrel of a finished lollipop and revealed that most girls and boys at the school at times ingest the powder and exhale through the nosestrills. GRADE 4 -CHITUNGWIZA
    Asked on why they do it, the answers were the same..."hapana chaunonzwa asi its cool."
     A similar trend has been noted in schools in the uk and america. with Smarties being crushed and used for the same purpose. however both contain no addictive ingredients and do not provide a high when ingested.
    The worrying issue is that, have these children seen someone close using drugs or it is all fuelled by watching tv not age appropriate. A study in the uk showed that those exposed stand a higher likelihood of using real drugs at a later stage in life and that is worring to any parent. please educate your chid on the dangers of this seemingly harmless trend as listed below.
    Infection: sugar residue may remain in the nasal cavity, sinuses and/or lungs, leading to infections, cough, wheezing, and respiratory arrest
    Scarring: anything snorted can lead to scarring of the nasal passages
    Irritation of the lungs: smoking or snorting Jolly Jus can lead to a smoker’s cough
    Allergic reaction: if the child is allergic to sugar, snorting or smoking Jolly Jus can lead to an immediate allergic reaction
    Parents have been warned to watch their children to see if they develop a tickling sensation inside their noses and ask them if they begin to smell a foul stench from inside their nasal passagePossible maggots: frequent snorting could rarely lead to maggots feeding on the sugary dust inside the nose. according to a ear, nose and throat specialist, this is rare but can happen.


    according to this group, when you snort jolly jus  it hurts really bad and sometimes causes nose bleeding and  runny nose which goes on for a long time . 


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